AMD vs Intel vs Nvidia | Best Gaming CPU + GPU Combo for every Budget in 2024 | Gaming PC Build Guide - MVP Blog
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AMD vs Intel vs Nvidia | Best Gaming CPU + GPU Combo for every Budget in 2024 | Gaming PC Build Guide

The Performance of your system is majorly determined by these 2 components.

So We’re going through all the CPUs & GPUs – from AMD, Nvidia & Intel to see which combos have the best performance!


Let’s start from the 50,000 segment, which has never been this exciting before – The i3 12100 or 13100F + the Arc A380 have the best price-to-performance in this segment.

Yes, the A380 wasn’t that great when it launched. But with consistent Driver updates – the A380 becomes a really compelling option.

But what really kills all competition is the support for AV1 encoding and 6GB of VRAM, You can comfortably play even unoptimized games like Hogwarts Legacy, You can also start streaming, and that too with the highest quality while having the lowest file size, that too with the highest quality while having the lowest file size.

And if that wasn’t enough, even for tasks like video editing and rendering, this is ahead of all the competition in this segment. What more could you ask for?

Coming to the CPU, the i3 series has actually been our recommendation for this price segment for more than 2 years now. That’s because in this price range, you simply won’t find any other CPU with the same clock speed as the i3. It’s as fast as an i9 in single-core performance!

And since it’s the latest generation, you can easily upgrade to an i5 or i7 in the future. In fact, not just the CPU, even if you upgrade your GPU to something like an RTX 4060, this combo won’t bottleneck your system. You absolutely cannot go wrong with this combination.

Now in the same segment, but with a slightly high budget of around 80,000 – I think the CPU can still be the same, if you want you could go for the 13400 but our recommendation would be to keep your focus on the GPU – something like an A770 or the 6750XT can be a really solid improvement over the Arc A380.

Infact the A770 comes with 16GB of VRAM – which kind of makes it obvious that… Intel has become the new underdog of the GPU market.

Don’t you think?


Moving to the Mid-Tier segment with a budget of around 1.2 to 1.5 Lakhs. We think the RX 7800XT combined with i5 13400 makes a great choice.

We’ve already done a full review of the 7800XT, you can check that out on youtube. It’s a really brilliant card – for everything from content creation to gaming, you won’t find a better value option than the 7800XT, unless you’re involved in 3D development applications like Unreal Engine.

For that,  you can watch this video, to get a clear understanding for recommendation on 3D Applications.

Either way – since this is a GAMING BUILD VIDEO we’ll stick to that topic. And in CPU, the i5 13400 becomes a great value option by Intel – i mean 10 cores, 16 threads and just killer single core performance.

You can easily game on 2K with 100+ FPS, and even 4K in most games without breaking a sweat. So I don’t really see a better option here.


Finally – let’s talk about the high-end segment…

Okay, so by the time you reach this price segment, performance becomes so good that people start prioritizing aesthetics more. But to cater to the deep Indian desire to always get the best value for your money, we’ll only be focusing on performance here.

For CPU, we actually have a very clear winner – It’s the Ryzen 7 7800X3D paired with… 2 options actually, depending on which one you prefer – we have the RTX 4080 and the RX 7900XTX

2 Options because – both of them cost around the same while both of them have their own set of benefits.

If you’re the kind of person who’s into single-player, experience-focused games like Red Dead redemption, Cyberpunk – the RTX series with its amazing Ray-Tracing performance will be a better option for you.

But if you’re the guy who’s purely looking for the MAX FPS, probably the 7900XTX will do you better justice.

And what to say about  7800X3D – i mean 3D-cache for the win.! It’s actually that good – it leaves every other CPU behind in any gaming benchmark – there is no competition here.

And with that – we’ve covered all the BEST launches of this year, these are the best options you can go for in 2024.
And if you’re looking for a PC build. Contact us on our toll-free website, whatsapp – or Email as well.

Until Next time – Cheers!


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